An interview* with
John Sharpe
Managing Director and Co-editorIHS Press
The Corruption of "Both" of the Two Swords:The Indirect Power of the Church andthe Abdication of the Temporal Power Part II
December 15 through December 31, 2011
Main site:
Thursday, December 15, 2011
John Sharpe-Corruption fo 2 Swords
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Social Teaching
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wealth of Sermons and Talks
Fr. Daniel CoutureThe Launching of the Rosary Crusade 15MB mp3 21 min. As Requested by Bishop Fellay for the Holy Father and for the Liberation of Catholic Tradition: August 3, 2008
Opening your homes to the Sacred Heart: 100th anniversary of the ceremony of Enthronement: August 24, 2007Given in Kuala Lumpur 29MB mp3 70 min.
Interview with Rose Hu in Tokyo 26MB mp3 63 min.Her twenty-six years of imprisonment in China;, How she found Tradition;Membership in Third order of SSPX; How her experience dealing with Communist Regime helps her to deal with Modernist authority in the Church.May 6, 2007
The Society of St. Pius X after the General Chapter 17MB mp3 80 min.Loose Translation of Bishop Fellay's talk of October 14, 2006 in Villepreu, FranceGiven in New Zealand October 2006
Mental Prayer 16MB mp3 80 min.Given in New Zealand October 18, 2006
Address on Education 32MB mp3 80 min.Given in Wanganui, New Zealand, October 16, 2006to parents and teachers of St Anthony's Primary School and St Dominic's CollegeConference from Pilgrimage of Reparation to Fatima Part 1 22MB mp3 55 min. Part 2 29MB mp3 31 min.August 2005
Fr. Peter Scott
The Catechism of the Council of Trent and the Creed Part 1: 23MB mp3 64min, Part 2: What is Faith and Why is it Necessary 32MB mp3 90min, Part 3: The Existence and Unity of God 26MB mp3 110min, Part 4: The Attributes of God 37MB mp3 110min. Part 5: The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity (Part I) 37MB mp3 110min. Part 6: The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity (Part II) 38MB mp3 110min. Part 7: The Divine Omnipotence 35MB mp3 100min. Part 8: Creation (PartI) 41MB mp3 120min. Part 9: Creation (PartII) and Divine Providence 42MB mp3 120min. Part 10: Angels 45MB mp3 120min. Part 11: The Physical Creation 38MB mp3 120min. Part 12: The Creation and Nature of Man 36MB mp3 100min. Part 13: Original Justice 37MB mp3 100min. Part 14: Original Sin I 36MB mp3 100min. Part 15: Original Sin II 37MB mp3 105min. Part 16: The Incarnation (Introduction) 41MB mp3 58min. Part 17: The Incarnate God II 36MB mp3 51min. Part 18: The Divinity of Christ 39MB mp3 55min. Part 19: The Humanity of Christ 39MB mp3 55min. Part 20: The Hypostatic Union 40MB mp3 57min. Part 21: The Hypostatic Union II 41MB mp3 58min. Part 22: Consequences of the Hypostatic Union 37MB mp3 52min. Part 23: The Kingship of Christ 33MB mp3 47min. Part 24: Our Lord's Conception by the Holy Ghost 43MB mp3 60min. Part 25: The Nativity 38MB mp3 55min. Part 26: Suffered under Potius Pilate 25MB mp3 35min. Part 27: The Redemption 38MB mp3 54min. Part 28: The Redemption Part II 41MB mp3 57min. Part 29: Descent into Hell 37MB mp3 53min. Part 30: He Rose Again from the Dead 39MB mp3 55min. Part 31: The Ascension 37MB mp3 52min. Part 32: On the Right Hand of the Father 31MB mp3 46min Part 33: Sorry, not available Part 34: The_General_Judgement 42MB mp3 60min Part 35: The_Holy Ghost 32MB mp3 46min Part 36: The Church The Mystical Body of Christ 32MB mp3 46min Part 37: Membership in the Catholic Church 36MB mp3 53min Part 38: Outside the Church No salvation 37MB mp3 52min Part 39: The Marks of the Church - Unity 40MB mp3 57min Part 40: The Marks of the Church - Sanctity 38MB mp3 56min
Fr. Pagliarani
Study of the Scriptures
Moses and the Alamites 29MB mp3 72 min.July 19, 2005Moses and the Plagues 32MB mp3 77 min.July 9, 2005Exodus; Moses 34MB mp3 83 min.May 30, 2005
Michael Davies
The Re-enthronement of Christ the King 24MB mp3 60 min.
Fr. Gaudray The Life of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity Given at the Carmel of Spokane Part 1: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 2: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 3: 14MB mp3 43min, Part 4: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 5: 17MB mp3 40min.
Weekly Sermons from St. Ignatius Retreat House, Los GatosFr Alphonsus Marie (Fr A.), Fr Cooper (Fr C.), Fr de la Tour (Fr D.), Fr Emily (Fr E.), Fr DeLallo (Fr L.), Fr Matthews (Fr M.) Fr Allesio (Fr O.)
Twenty Seventh Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
St Gregory and St Elizabeth of Hungary
2.4MB mp3: 21min.
Twenty Fourth Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
The Church Started Small Like a Mustard Seed
18MB mp3: 25min.
Feast of Christ the King
Fr C.
Our leaders should follow Christ the King
9MB mp3: 13min.
Twenty Third Sun. after Pent.
Fr A.
Communion of Saints and why Purgatory exists
14MB mp3: 23min.
Twenty First Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
St. Raphael
15MB mp3: 21min.
Twentieth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr M.
What is a convent of Benedictine nuns?
22MB mp3: 31min.
Ninteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr A.
Working out our salvation
14MB mp3: 20min.
Sixteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr E.
St. Pius X
12MB mp3: 17min.
Fiftteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
We should be resigned to the Will of God in all things.
8MB mp3: 12min.
Fourteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
Gratitude for God's Providence
14MB mp3: 20min.
The Assumption
Fr D.
To desire heaven
7MB mp3: 10min.
Thirteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
Giving thanks to God for all our benefits
14MB mp3: 20min.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Imitate Christ's Example of Doing Good to All
11MB mp3: 16min.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr D.
Confidence in Our Lord's Sacred Heart and Mercy
5MB mp3: 16min.
Eleventh Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
10MB mp3: 14min.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
We are not independant; we rely on God
10MB mp3: 14min.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
What is grace: sanctifying grace and actual grace
27MB mp3: 14min.
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
The danger of relying on a deathbed repentance
9.5MB mp3: 13min.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
On the sin of detraction
17MB mp3: 24min.
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Look at your own soul, don't just compare to others
12MB mp3: 17min.
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Having a personal committment to the Faith.
13MB mp3: 18min.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr D.
16MB mp3: 25min.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
Purity of Intention
15MB mp3: 21min.
Trinity Sunday
Fr C.
14MB mp3: 17min.
Sunday after the Ascension
Fr C.
Preparing for Holy Communion
12MB mp3: 17min.
The Ascension
Fr C.
Preaching the Catholic Faith
12MB mp3: 17min.
Fifth Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
St Jospeh the Worker
6MB mp3: 9min.
Fourth Sunday after Easter
The Gifts of Hearing and Speech
9MB mp3: 13min.
Third Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
We need to suffer with Jesus to be with Him forever
9MB mp3: 13min.
Second Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
The Good Shepherd, salvation of souls and vocations
13.5MB mp3: 19min.
Easter Sunday
Fr C.
13MB mp3: 19min.
Holy Thursday
Fr C.
15MB mp3: 22min.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Fr C.
Give freely of yourself to God
9MB mp3: 13min.
Third Sunday of Lent
Fr L.
Lent is time for ammending our lives
13MB mp3: 18min.
Second Sunday after Lent
Fr O.
The Transfiguration and lessons from it
5MB mp3: 7 min.
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Fr C.
Battlelines Drawn
19MB mp3: 26min.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Fr C.
Preparing for Marriage
20MB mp3: 29min.
Holy Family
Fr C.
12MB mp3: 17min.
Holy Name of Jesus
Fr D.
7.5MB mp3: 11min.
The Circumcision
Fr D.
Motive of Incarnation is Redemption
9MB mp3: 18min.
Christmas Day
Fr C.
Detatchment from the world
13MB mp3: 18min.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Fr C.
Repentance for sin
4.3MB mp3: 11min.
Second Sunday of Advent
Fr C.
St. John the Baptist
18MB mp3: 20 min.
First Sunday of Advent
Fr A.
Death and Judgement
20MB mp3: 20 min.
Immaculate Conception
Fr D.
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
5.5MB mp3:14 min.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Fr C.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
11MB mp3: 26 min.
Fr. Pfeiffer
First Sunday of Advent
17MB mp3: 43 min.
Second Sunday of Advent
St. John the Baptist and Mary our Mother
14MB mp3: 34 min.
Third Sunday of Advent
History of the Missa de Gallo and the mystery of the night
11MB mp3: 25 min.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Christmas Day
Making room in your life for Christ
7.5MB mp3: 18 min.
Octave Day of the Nativity
The Eucharist and Penance will bring Victory
7MB mp3: 17 min.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Jesus was born to die and thus is surrounded by death, starting with the Holy Innocents
9MB mp3: 24 min.
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Overcome evil by good
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
22MB mp3: 24 min.
Septuagesima Sunday
Liturgy is not just something we do, but it is the center of our lives.(Sermon combined with Septuagesima Sunday)
22MB mp3: 24 min.
Sexagesima Sunday
First Sunday of Lent
Now is the time when the Father is more inclinedto hear our prayers, as His Son died for us
4MB mp3: 18 min.
Second Sunday of Lent
We are inclined to think more clearly when fasting;It is not meet and just to say everything to all men.
9.5MB mp3: 24 min.
Third Sunday of Lent
Joseph of the Old and New Testament are compared. Both did not question God and fought with supernatural strength.
13.5MB mp3: 33 min.
Palm Sunday
The thirty pieces of silver and the price of our sins
9.8MB mp3: 24 min.
Monday after Palm Sunday
The first Word of Jesus from the Cross. His forgiveness was a very new perspective for that time.
13MB mp3: 32 min.
Tuesday in Holy Week
The third Word of Jesus from the Cross, "Woman Behold thy son, son behold thy Mother." i.e. the birth of the Church. Mary's third word was a friendly greeting to her cousin which caused her to be referred to as Mother forthe first time.
13MB mp3: 31 min.
Holy Thursday
On the priesthood
14MB mp3: 34 min.
Good Friday
Seventh Word from the cross
14MB mp3: 33 min.
Good Friday
19MB mp3: 46 min.
Easter Vigil
We worry foolishly about the small things
9MB mp3: 22 min.
Easter Sunday
Look behind the words of Jesus to the essence; Jesus comes down to where we are to teach us His Waysof Divine Love. Meaning of, "I am a worm and not man."
14.5MB mp3: 16min.
First Sunday after Easter
Jesus of history, not of faith, rose from the dead; ressurection from the death of sin in the confessional is real;
7MB mp3: 46 min.
Second Sunday after Easter
Most priests go to hell because they do not feed their flocks
14MB mp3: 35 min.
Third Sunday after Easter
The power and beauty of Our Lord Jesus Christ
14MB mp3: 33 min.
Fourth Sunday after Easter
The spirit of truth
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Fifth Sunday after Easter
The importance of a life of prayer
33MB mp3: 28 min.
Ascension Thursday
Look to heaven with confidence not disbelief, anger
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Sunday after the Ascension
Synteresis: The natural knowledge to do good and avoid evil, but it in a Christ-like way.
4.4MB mp3: 11 min.
Pentecost Sunday
10.5MB mp3: 26 min.
Fr. Daniel CoutureThe Launching of the Rosary Crusade 15MB mp3 21 min. As Requested by Bishop Fellay for the Holy Father and for the Liberation of Catholic Tradition: August 3, 2008
Opening your homes to the Sacred Heart: 100th anniversary of the ceremony of Enthronement: August 24, 2007Given in Kuala Lumpur 29MB mp3 70 min.
Interview with Rose Hu in Tokyo 26MB mp3 63 min.Her twenty-six years of imprisonment in China;, How she found Tradition;Membership in Third order of SSPX; How her experience dealing with Communist Regime helps her to deal with Modernist authority in the Church.May 6, 2007
The Society of St. Pius X after the General Chapter 17MB mp3 80 min.Loose Translation of Bishop Fellay's talk of October 14, 2006 in Villepreu, FranceGiven in New Zealand October 2006
Mental Prayer 16MB mp3 80 min.Given in New Zealand October 18, 2006
Address on Education 32MB mp3 80 min.Given in Wanganui, New Zealand, October 16, 2006to parents and teachers of St Anthony's Primary School and St Dominic's CollegeConference from Pilgrimage of Reparation to Fatima Part 1 22MB mp3 55 min. Part 2 29MB mp3 31 min.August 2005
Fr. Peter Scott
The Catechism of the Council of Trent and the Creed Part 1: 23MB mp3 64min, Part 2: What is Faith and Why is it Necessary 32MB mp3 90min, Part 3: The Existence and Unity of God 26MB mp3 110min, Part 4: The Attributes of God 37MB mp3 110min. Part 5: The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity (Part I) 37MB mp3 110min. Part 6: The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity (Part II) 38MB mp3 110min. Part 7: The Divine Omnipotence 35MB mp3 100min. Part 8: Creation (PartI) 41MB mp3 120min. Part 9: Creation (PartII) and Divine Providence 42MB mp3 120min. Part 10: Angels 45MB mp3 120min. Part 11: The Physical Creation 38MB mp3 120min. Part 12: The Creation and Nature of Man 36MB mp3 100min. Part 13: Original Justice 37MB mp3 100min. Part 14: Original Sin I 36MB mp3 100min. Part 15: Original Sin II 37MB mp3 105min. Part 16: The Incarnation (Introduction) 41MB mp3 58min. Part 17: The Incarnate God II 36MB mp3 51min. Part 18: The Divinity of Christ 39MB mp3 55min. Part 19: The Humanity of Christ 39MB mp3 55min. Part 20: The Hypostatic Union 40MB mp3 57min. Part 21: The Hypostatic Union II 41MB mp3 58min. Part 22: Consequences of the Hypostatic Union 37MB mp3 52min. Part 23: The Kingship of Christ 33MB mp3 47min. Part 24: Our Lord's Conception by the Holy Ghost 43MB mp3 60min. Part 25: The Nativity 38MB mp3 55min. Part 26: Suffered under Potius Pilate 25MB mp3 35min. Part 27: The Redemption 38MB mp3 54min. Part 28: The Redemption Part II 41MB mp3 57min. Part 29: Descent into Hell 37MB mp3 53min. Part 30: He Rose Again from the Dead 39MB mp3 55min. Part 31: The Ascension 37MB mp3 52min. Part 32: On the Right Hand of the Father 31MB mp3 46min Part 33: Sorry, not available Part 34: The_General_Judgement 42MB mp3 60min Part 35: The_Holy Ghost 32MB mp3 46min Part 36: The Church The Mystical Body of Christ 32MB mp3 46min Part 37: Membership in the Catholic Church 36MB mp3 53min Part 38: Outside the Church No salvation 37MB mp3 52min Part 39: The Marks of the Church - Unity 40MB mp3 57min Part 40: The Marks of the Church - Sanctity 38MB mp3 56min
Fr. Pagliarani
Study of the Scriptures
Moses and the Alamites 29MB mp3 72 min.July 19, 2005Moses and the Plagues 32MB mp3 77 min.July 9, 2005Exodus; Moses 34MB mp3 83 min.May 30, 2005
Michael Davies
The Re-enthronement of Christ the King 24MB mp3 60 min.
Fr. Gaudray The Life of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity Given at the Carmel of Spokane Part 1: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 2: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 3: 14MB mp3 43min, Part 4: 18MB mp3 43min, Part 5: 17MB mp3 40min.
Weekly Sermons from St. Ignatius Retreat House, Los GatosFr Alphonsus Marie (Fr A.), Fr Cooper (Fr C.), Fr de la Tour (Fr D.), Fr Emily (Fr E.), Fr DeLallo (Fr L.), Fr Matthews (Fr M.) Fr Allesio (Fr O.)
Twenty Seventh Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
St Gregory and St Elizabeth of Hungary
2.4MB mp3: 21min.
Twenty Fourth Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
The Church Started Small Like a Mustard Seed
18MB mp3: 25min.
Feast of Christ the King
Fr C.
Our leaders should follow Christ the King
9MB mp3: 13min.
Twenty Third Sun. after Pent.
Fr A.
Communion of Saints and why Purgatory exists
14MB mp3: 23min.
Twenty First Sun. after Pent.
Fr C.
St. Raphael
15MB mp3: 21min.
Twentieth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr M.
What is a convent of Benedictine nuns?
22MB mp3: 31min.
Ninteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr A.
Working out our salvation
14MB mp3: 20min.
Sixteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr E.
St. Pius X
12MB mp3: 17min.
Fiftteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
We should be resigned to the Will of God in all things.
8MB mp3: 12min.
Fourteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
Gratitude for God's Providence
14MB mp3: 20min.
The Assumption
Fr D.
To desire heaven
7MB mp3: 10min.
Thirteenth Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
Giving thanks to God for all our benefits
14MB mp3: 20min.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Imitate Christ's Example of Doing Good to All
11MB mp3: 16min.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr D.
Confidence in Our Lord's Sacred Heart and Mercy
5MB mp3: 16min.
Eleventh Sun. after Pentecost
Fr C.
10MB mp3: 14min.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
We are not independant; we rely on God
10MB mp3: 14min.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
What is grace: sanctifying grace and actual grace
27MB mp3: 14min.
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
The danger of relying on a deathbed repentance
9.5MB mp3: 13min.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
On the sin of detraction
17MB mp3: 24min.
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Look at your own soul, don't just compare to others
12MB mp3: 17min.
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr C.
Having a personal committment to the Faith.
13MB mp3: 18min.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr D.
16MB mp3: 25min.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Fr A.
Purity of Intention
15MB mp3: 21min.
Trinity Sunday
Fr C.
14MB mp3: 17min.
Sunday after the Ascension
Fr C.
Preparing for Holy Communion
12MB mp3: 17min.
The Ascension
Fr C.
Preaching the Catholic Faith
12MB mp3: 17min.
Fifth Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
St Jospeh the Worker
6MB mp3: 9min.
Fourth Sunday after Easter
The Gifts of Hearing and Speech
9MB mp3: 13min.
Third Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
We need to suffer with Jesus to be with Him forever
9MB mp3: 13min.
Second Sunday after Easter
Fr C.
The Good Shepherd, salvation of souls and vocations
13.5MB mp3: 19min.
Easter Sunday
Fr C.
13MB mp3: 19min.
Holy Thursday
Fr C.
15MB mp3: 22min.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Fr C.
Give freely of yourself to God
9MB mp3: 13min.
Third Sunday of Lent
Fr L.
Lent is time for ammending our lives
13MB mp3: 18min.
Second Sunday after Lent
Fr O.
The Transfiguration and lessons from it
5MB mp3: 7 min.
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Fr C.
Battlelines Drawn
19MB mp3: 26min.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Fr C.
Preparing for Marriage
20MB mp3: 29min.
Holy Family
Fr C.
12MB mp3: 17min.
Holy Name of Jesus
Fr D.
7.5MB mp3: 11min.
The Circumcision
Fr D.
Motive of Incarnation is Redemption
9MB mp3: 18min.
Christmas Day
Fr C.
Detatchment from the world
13MB mp3: 18min.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Fr C.
Repentance for sin
4.3MB mp3: 11min.
Second Sunday of Advent
Fr C.
St. John the Baptist
18MB mp3: 20 min.
First Sunday of Advent
Fr A.
Death and Judgement
20MB mp3: 20 min.
Immaculate Conception
Fr D.
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
5.5MB mp3:14 min.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Fr C.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
11MB mp3: 26 min.
Fr. Pfeiffer
First Sunday of Advent
17MB mp3: 43 min.
Second Sunday of Advent
St. John the Baptist and Mary our Mother
14MB mp3: 34 min.
Third Sunday of Advent
History of the Missa de Gallo and the mystery of the night
11MB mp3: 25 min.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Christmas Day
Making room in your life for Christ
7.5MB mp3: 18 min.
Octave Day of the Nativity
The Eucharist and Penance will bring Victory
7MB mp3: 17 min.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Jesus was born to die and thus is surrounded by death, starting with the Holy Innocents
9MB mp3: 24 min.
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Overcome evil by good
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
22MB mp3: 24 min.
Septuagesima Sunday
Liturgy is not just something we do, but it is the center of our lives.(Sermon combined with Septuagesima Sunday)
22MB mp3: 24 min.
Sexagesima Sunday
First Sunday of Lent
Now is the time when the Father is more inclinedto hear our prayers, as His Son died for us
4MB mp3: 18 min.
Second Sunday of Lent
We are inclined to think more clearly when fasting;It is not meet and just to say everything to all men.
9.5MB mp3: 24 min.
Third Sunday of Lent
Joseph of the Old and New Testament are compared. Both did not question God and fought with supernatural strength.
13.5MB mp3: 33 min.
Palm Sunday
The thirty pieces of silver and the price of our sins
9.8MB mp3: 24 min.
Monday after Palm Sunday
The first Word of Jesus from the Cross. His forgiveness was a very new perspective for that time.
13MB mp3: 32 min.
Tuesday in Holy Week
The third Word of Jesus from the Cross, "Woman Behold thy son, son behold thy Mother." i.e. the birth of the Church. Mary's third word was a friendly greeting to her cousin which caused her to be referred to as Mother forthe first time.
13MB mp3: 31 min.
Holy Thursday
On the priesthood
14MB mp3: 34 min.
Good Friday
Seventh Word from the cross
14MB mp3: 33 min.
Good Friday
19MB mp3: 46 min.
Easter Vigil
We worry foolishly about the small things
9MB mp3: 22 min.
Easter Sunday
Look behind the words of Jesus to the essence; Jesus comes down to where we are to teach us His Waysof Divine Love. Meaning of, "I am a worm and not man."
14.5MB mp3: 16min.
First Sunday after Easter
Jesus of history, not of faith, rose from the dead; ressurection from the death of sin in the confessional is real;
7MB mp3: 46 min.
Second Sunday after Easter
Most priests go to hell because they do not feed their flocks
14MB mp3: 35 min.
Third Sunday after Easter
The power and beauty of Our Lord Jesus Christ
14MB mp3: 33 min.
Fourth Sunday after Easter
The spirit of truth
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Fifth Sunday after Easter
The importance of a life of prayer
33MB mp3: 28 min.
Ascension Thursday
Look to heaven with confidence not disbelief, anger
10MB mp3: 25 min.
Sunday after the Ascension
Synteresis: The natural knowledge to do good and avoid evil, but it in a Christ-like way.
4.4MB mp3: 11 min.
Pentecost Sunday
10.5MB mp3: 26 min.
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Prayers,
Catholic Social Teaching,
Monday, December 5, 2011
2011 Black Friday Craziness and Greed
(Urban Outfitters in the Thousand Oaks Mall)
(Fresno, CA fight of P3 game)
(Fight over Memory cards in Oakland, CA)
(a fight over Tupperware at Walmart)
(fight over 360 games)
(full scale rioting)
(riot at Walmart (a theme going on here..) in Greenville)
thanks to:
for footage and links
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
John Taylor Gatto
(70 minute interview)
(Paradox of Extended Childhood)
Radio for Peace Home Shooling Conference"
Main Site:
(70 minute interview)
(Paradox of Extended Childhood)
Radio for Peace Home Shooling Conference"
Main Site:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Occult Shakespeare part III
An interview* with
Gerry Matatics
Founder and PresidentBiblical Foundations International
The Occult Shakespeare - Part III -
An interview* with
Gerry Matatics
Founder and PresidentBiblical Foundations International
The Occult Shakespeare - Part III -
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Important Announcement from John Sharpe
Dear friends of ISOC:
With full support and sponsorship from ISOC, my son John Sharpe is kicking off a huge new initiative concerning the traditional Catholic Social Doctrine, "Undiluted by Modernism," and you need to know about it.
If you've completed the "Prepare for the Aftermath - Do We or Don't We?" survey on the ISOC website, this new initiative could be considered an answer to that survey.
The following email from IHS Press will explain the plan of action and needs. You will see that it's an alternative to the degenerating society -- the social/political/economic morass -- that we live in. It will expose to everyone with an open heart and ears to hear, the centuries-old Catholic Social Teachings which teach that society, government, etc., are to be used as tools to get us to Heaven, and not to lead us to Hell.
Please, if you have the means, help John launch this new crusade for the Kingship of Christ on earth. I, for one, am eager to put what time I have available into making this endeavor a success and we have already agreed to be a sponsor of the August 25th, first-of-its-kind, "Rebuilding Christendom" Conference. Mark your calendars today.
And please read the following carefully, and call or write me if you have any questions.
God bless your day,
Judith Sharpe
Catholic Social Doctrine –
The Alternative to the False Choice in Modern Politics
October 30, 2011
Feast of Christ the King
Dear Fellow Concerned Citizen and Catholic:
Even an occasional glance at your morning paper or the evening news is enough to tell you that our American – and much of the world’s – “system” is broken. Modernism and modernity, broadly conceived, is a busted flush.
Representative government doesn’t represent. Financial institutions have no finances. Educational institutions don’t educate. News outlets report everything but real news, while “opinion” columns give free advice – usually worth what it costs – against the backdrop of a reigning social philosophy where there is no real difference between true and false, or right and wrong. Meanwhile, the very idea of public morality is long gone as both a practical force in society and as an idea in itself.
Things are so bad, in fact, that even mainstream sources are starting to clamor for a “third way,” but frequently they don’t even know what they’re asking for, except for something other than business as usual and the “bread and circuses” that the left vs. right political charade dishes up for public consumption and entertainment. Jon Stewart, while interviewing Republican Congressman Ron Paul, visibly struggled to articulate some notion of a just social and economic “third way” when commending Paul for his “small government” stance but asking whether the Congressman was really serious about his claim that corporations and markets could be trusted to police themselves in the interest of justice and equity.
The Financial Times recently observed that socialism and organized labor are today conservative forces aiming to further entrench the welfare state, while at the same time it warned against “business as usual” by the “free-market right” (Martin Wolf, “The big questions raised by anti-capitalist protests,” Oct. 27). The inequality engendered by the free market is especially corrosive, it said, “if those with wealth are believed to have rigged the game rather than won in honest competition . . . . In the end, democracy is sold to the highest bidder.”
No less a scion of Establishment journalism than Arnaud de Borchgrave has termed the so-called “Marxist mobocracy” of the ongoing Wall Street protests “the flip side of the ‘carnivorous greed’ on Wall Street,” while reminding his readers of the (no doubt rather unwelcome) reality that it was Karl Marx who predicted “that capitalism would eventually sow the seeds of its own destruction” (“Communist boogeyman,” UPI, Oct. 27; our emphasis). And New York University’s Nobel laureate economist, Nouriel Roubini, effectively completed de Bourchgrave’s thoughts by noting just as recently that this “social-welfare state” was in fact the answer proposed by “market-oriented liberal democracies” to the “frequency and severity of economic and financial crises.” But what is clear, he notes, is that the laissez-faire model “has also now failed miserably.”
It is easy to complain, however. And none of these critics, however incisive their critique, seem to possess the historical and intellectual equipment to propose a solution to the welfare-state and laissez-faire models that have – indeed – failed miserably.
But there is one hope. It’s been mankind’s only hope since the birth of Western civilization, and for a few glorious European centuries its impact was actually felt upon both public and private affairs.
The bankruptcy of modern alternatives has, at long last, given us an opening – and we’ve got to get at least the thin end of the wedge into it right now. Simply put, it’s the theoretical and practical wisdom offered by the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
As in generations past, Catholic Social Doctrine (CSD) offers solutions to the political, economic, and social problems that plague our nation and our world today. Consider these few examples.
Had the just-war doctrine – as articulated by Catholic saints and thinkers since at least the era of St. Augustine – been a reality in the halls of government and in voting booths across the country, thousands who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, on both sides of the fighting and as so-called “collateral casualties,” would still be alive today, as would at least some shred of American credibility around the world.
Had the Catholic economic “third way” been in play in modern board rooms and counting houses, our economic situation would be tending to enable real families to come into ownership of real property, unencumbered by usurious mortgages, so that they could earn real livelihoods – as Leo XIII demanded in Rerum Novarum, his famous 1891 “Worker’s Charter.”
Instead, things are worse than when they were surveyed by Leo’s successor, Pius XI, during the years of the Great Depression. Pius XI’s eighty-year-old critique of finance and economic life reads like it was penned yesterday:
"[I]t is obvious that not only is wealth concentrated in our times but an immense power and despotic economic dictatorship is consolidated in the hands of a few, who often are not owners but only the trustees and managing directors of invested funds which they administer according to their own arbitrary will and pleasure.
"This dictatorship is being most forcibly exercised by those who, since they hold the money and completely control it, control credit also and rule the lending of money. Hence they regulate the flow, so to speak, of the life-blood whereby the entire economic system lives, and have so firmly in their grasp the soul, as it were, of economic life that no one can breathe against their will." (Quadragesimo Anno, 1931, §§105–6)
Finally, had the irrefutable idea – taught so well and often by Leo XIII (e.g., Immortale Dei, 1885), on the basis of an unbroken classical and Catholic tradition – that civil society must be governed with an eye towards the virtue of its citizenry, had any traction in local and national politics, we’d have seen honesty, justice, prudence, and even charity come to predominate in political discussions and actually operate in political decisions . . . instead of their opposites and the galling hypocrisy that usually accompany them.
But you may be wondering what all this has to do with IHS Press – and with you. Allow us to explain.
After more than a decade as a small publisher of mostly (though not exclusively) reprinted books dealing with Catholic Social Doctrine, IHS Press is pleased to announce an initiative that starts today, the Feast of Christ the King, to expand beyond the publishing field, while reaffirming its commitment to its principal mission to promote and promulgate CSD. This broader-reaching effort, one that many of you have been urging us to undertake for over 10 years, will be accomplished under the banner of the new “IHS Press Group.”
And since during this past decade we have been functioning with a barely adequate Internet presence, we have contracted with a professional firm to update our Website and come, as they say, kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But rather than re-invent the wheel at some point down the line, the time is now – with this “facelift” in progress – to launch the exciting new pillars of the IHS Press Group, as outlined below.
But we desperately need your help to do it.
That’s right, we can’t do it alone. So you might as well know right up front that this is an appeal for money. For whatever you can give – a tax-deductible $25, $50, even $100. More if you can. (See below for details of the incentives for your various levels of support.)
Here are the things that your generous tax-deductible contribution will help to achieve under the umbrella of the new IHS Press Group.
a) Expanded Publishing Program. As we attempt to broaden the means by which we, and you, can inspire a return to the sanity, the morality, and the wisdom of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, IHS Press will not leave its roots – merely extend them. In addition to the activities listed below, we will add to our “IHS,” “Light in the Darkness” and “Gates of Vienna” imprints as we expand our list of titles into still more specialized areas of Catholic Social Doctrine – with new lines such as “Forgotten Voices” for more obscure but essential historical works, and “Schoolmen’s Bookshelf” for works on traditional CSD appropriate for the high-school and university settings.
b) The Catholic Land Movement. The “Back to the Land” movement has been gathering impetus for some time now. IHS Press has long been in the forefront of the Catholic variant of this movement with numerous titles devoted to the topic. As the movement grows, IHS will continue its leadership role by establishing a network for collaboration between those who already possess rural expertise and those looking to put into practice the truths articulated by the leading lights of Catholic thought who maintain that social stability and genuine culture can only be achieved by rooting families on the land.
c) Rex. A Journal of Political and Social Catholicism. From time to time there are topics or news events of unique interest to Catholics that do not necessarily lend themselves to coverage or discussion via bound-book format. It is our intent to bring you current, up-to-date looks at the contemporary world through a uniquely Catholic social and political lens in a periodical format. The goal is to demonstrate and persuade, without compromise or shameful nods to political correctness, that the lessons of Catholic Social Doctrine are as meaningful today and as useful in addressing societal ills as they were a hundred years ago. Rex promises to be an exciting and unvarnished new publication that is at once “historical, theoretical, practical, political, and controversial.”
d) Institute for Social Catholic Doctrine and Policy Research. The sheer number of historical texts and manuscript collections of interest to scholars of traditional teaching on politics, society, and economics by itself warrants the establishment of this planned research library and archival repository – to which IHS Press plans to contribute its already assembled several-thousand-volume library and dozens of linear feet worth of archival materials. In addition, the Institute will aim to produce, with the collaboration of the right “experts,” frequent position papers and pamphlets in order to engage “anyone with ears to hear” regarding the relevance of Catholic political and economic truth to contemporary society. The country’s – maybe the world’s – leading thinkers and scholars in the Catholic social thought tradition need a scholarly home, and the Institute will provide one.
e) Rebuilding Christendom™ Conference Series. With this line of conferences and other events, the IHS Press Group will initiate and/or sponsor periodic meetings of varying scale to bring together the finest commentators on a wide range of topics of immediate relevance to the problems faced by individuals and societies today. Plans are already underway for the first three-day conference in this exciting series. It’s scheduled for August 24–26, 2012, in Washington, D.C., to coincide with the weekend of the Feast of King St. Louis IX. Mark your calendar now.
More detailed information about the IHS Press Group’s planned evolution is available via our website, on the donate page, or via a downloadable fact sheet.
But none of this will happen without your help. It’s going to take your generous tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 – or more if you can spare it. Fortunately there are several support levels for you to choose from, each with its own “reward.”
Basic “Donor Level” ($50 to $100): For $50 you receive a free copy of our latest book, William Cobbett, by G.K. Chesterton, complete with new scholarly introductions and annotations. Or for $100, you get your free choice of any three books on our list. Download an updated list of available titles from our website.
Benefactor Level ($500 to $1000): Designed to save you money with an additional 15% off our already discounted publisher-direct prices, the “Benefactor” status level is of particular value to you during our fund-raising appeal. A $500 donation now will bring you “Benefactor” status on every IHS Press book you buy for two years. And for a $1,000 contribution, you maintain “Benefactor” status, with its deep savings, for the rest of your life! Meanwhile, for those of you who have donated generously in the past, rest assured your already existing Benefactor or Patron status will not be affected by the current promotion.
Platinum Level ($2000): And for those who can afford it and are determined to help us in this struggle, a donation of $2,000 or more will make you an IHS Press “Platinum Patron,” entitling you to receive automatically a free copy of each new IHS Press title for as long as you live! Make a note in your will and your heirs can enjoy this transferable benefit too!
And now, as you consider your donation, let us leave you with one thought. Like us, perhaps you are amazed during this season of furious political activity at the seeming ease with which politicians are able to raise money – sometimes millions of dollars in a matter of days. And often for causes that as Catholics we would reject out of hand.
Yet, when it comes to funding for truly noble causes, those rivers of cash seem to slow to a trickle. But we candidly believe that even these humble first steps we are making here to restore Catholic Social Doctrine to its place of prominence as the guiding light – family by family, neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town, and eventually statesman by statesman – are far more worthy of support than the “business-as-usual” political, industrial, financial wolves who now operate in our country and our world without even the pretence of sheep’s clothing.
Of course we are not going to change all hearts and minds; even Our Lord didn’t do that. But with your help we can provide evidence to those who listen – and there are many, and will be many more – that the real alternative, the only alternative, to the hopelessly fractured Left vs. Right political culture and socio-economic system under which we now live lies in the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
In closing we ask you to please consider how your tax-deductible support can help us – an help you – enable Catholic Social Doctrine to recapture its place of outstanding and exalted dignity among the failed schemes for social reform and revolution, and how you can further help us to implement now the wisdom of the great Catholic economists, historians, and social critics of less than 100 years ago, though now they are often unknown or forgotten.
Won’t you make your tax deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more right now while you’re thinking about it? Just click on any of the buttons in this letter, or send money via any of the charitable-donation firms with which IHS Press is registered (PayPal,, and ChipIn). Otherwise, send your check to:
IHS Press Group Fund
c/o IHS Press
222 W. 21st St., Suite F-122
Norfolk, Va. 23517 USA
We’ll do the heavy lifting. Will you help us carry the load? This may be our last chance.
Yours in loyalty to Our Lady of Victory and Christ the King,
The Directors, IHS Press
With full support and sponsorship from ISOC, my son John Sharpe is kicking off a huge new initiative concerning the traditional Catholic Social Doctrine, "Undiluted by Modernism," and you need to know about it.
If you've completed the "Prepare for the Aftermath - Do We or Don't We?" survey on the ISOC website, this new initiative could be considered an answer to that survey.
The following email from IHS Press will explain the plan of action and needs. You will see that it's an alternative to the degenerating society -- the social/political/economic morass -- that we live in. It will expose to everyone with an open heart and ears to hear, the centuries-old Catholic Social Teachings which teach that society, government, etc., are to be used as tools to get us to Heaven, and not to lead us to Hell.
Please, if you have the means, help John launch this new crusade for the Kingship of Christ on earth. I, for one, am eager to put what time I have available into making this endeavor a success and we have already agreed to be a sponsor of the August 25th, first-of-its-kind, "Rebuilding Christendom" Conference. Mark your calendars today.
And please read the following carefully, and call or write me if you have any questions.
God bless your day,
Judith Sharpe
Catholic Social Doctrine –
The Alternative to the False Choice in Modern Politics
October 30, 2011
Feast of Christ the King
Dear Fellow Concerned Citizen and Catholic:
Even an occasional glance at your morning paper or the evening news is enough to tell you that our American – and much of the world’s – “system” is broken. Modernism and modernity, broadly conceived, is a busted flush.
Representative government doesn’t represent. Financial institutions have no finances. Educational institutions don’t educate. News outlets report everything but real news, while “opinion” columns give free advice – usually worth what it costs – against the backdrop of a reigning social philosophy where there is no real difference between true and false, or right and wrong. Meanwhile, the very idea of public morality is long gone as both a practical force in society and as an idea in itself.
Things are so bad, in fact, that even mainstream sources are starting to clamor for a “third way,” but frequently they don’t even know what they’re asking for, except for something other than business as usual and the “bread and circuses” that the left vs. right political charade dishes up for public consumption and entertainment. Jon Stewart, while interviewing Republican Congressman Ron Paul, visibly struggled to articulate some notion of a just social and economic “third way” when commending Paul for his “small government” stance but asking whether the Congressman was really serious about his claim that corporations and markets could be trusted to police themselves in the interest of justice and equity.
The Financial Times recently observed that socialism and organized labor are today conservative forces aiming to further entrench the welfare state, while at the same time it warned against “business as usual” by the “free-market right” (Martin Wolf, “The big questions raised by anti-capitalist protests,” Oct. 27). The inequality engendered by the free market is especially corrosive, it said, “if those with wealth are believed to have rigged the game rather than won in honest competition . . . . In the end, democracy is sold to the highest bidder.”
No less a scion of Establishment journalism than Arnaud de Borchgrave has termed the so-called “Marxist mobocracy” of the ongoing Wall Street protests “the flip side of the ‘carnivorous greed’ on Wall Street,” while reminding his readers of the (no doubt rather unwelcome) reality that it was Karl Marx who predicted “that capitalism would eventually sow the seeds of its own destruction” (“Communist boogeyman,” UPI, Oct. 27; our emphasis). And New York University’s Nobel laureate economist, Nouriel Roubini, effectively completed de Bourchgrave’s thoughts by noting just as recently that this “social-welfare state” was in fact the answer proposed by “market-oriented liberal democracies” to the “frequency and severity of economic and financial crises.” But what is clear, he notes, is that the laissez-faire model “has also now failed miserably.”
It is easy to complain, however. And none of these critics, however incisive their critique, seem to possess the historical and intellectual equipment to propose a solution to the welfare-state and laissez-faire models that have – indeed – failed miserably.
But there is one hope. It’s been mankind’s only hope since the birth of Western civilization, and for a few glorious European centuries its impact was actually felt upon both public and private affairs.
The bankruptcy of modern alternatives has, at long last, given us an opening – and we’ve got to get at least the thin end of the wedge into it right now. Simply put, it’s the theoretical and practical wisdom offered by the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
As in generations past, Catholic Social Doctrine (CSD) offers solutions to the political, economic, and social problems that plague our nation and our world today. Consider these few examples.
Had the just-war doctrine – as articulated by Catholic saints and thinkers since at least the era of St. Augustine – been a reality in the halls of government and in voting booths across the country, thousands who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, on both sides of the fighting and as so-called “collateral casualties,” would still be alive today, as would at least some shred of American credibility around the world.
Had the Catholic economic “third way” been in play in modern board rooms and counting houses, our economic situation would be tending to enable real families to come into ownership of real property, unencumbered by usurious mortgages, so that they could earn real livelihoods – as Leo XIII demanded in Rerum Novarum, his famous 1891 “Worker’s Charter.”
Instead, things are worse than when they were surveyed by Leo’s successor, Pius XI, during the years of the Great Depression. Pius XI’s eighty-year-old critique of finance and economic life reads like it was penned yesterday:
"[I]t is obvious that not only is wealth concentrated in our times but an immense power and despotic economic dictatorship is consolidated in the hands of a few, who often are not owners but only the trustees and managing directors of invested funds which they administer according to their own arbitrary will and pleasure.
"This dictatorship is being most forcibly exercised by those who, since they hold the money and completely control it, control credit also and rule the lending of money. Hence they regulate the flow, so to speak, of the life-blood whereby the entire economic system lives, and have so firmly in their grasp the soul, as it were, of economic life that no one can breathe against their will." (Quadragesimo Anno, 1931, §§105–6)
Finally, had the irrefutable idea – taught so well and often by Leo XIII (e.g., Immortale Dei, 1885), on the basis of an unbroken classical and Catholic tradition – that civil society must be governed with an eye towards the virtue of its citizenry, had any traction in local and national politics, we’d have seen honesty, justice, prudence, and even charity come to predominate in political discussions and actually operate in political decisions . . . instead of their opposites and the galling hypocrisy that usually accompany them.
But you may be wondering what all this has to do with IHS Press – and with you. Allow us to explain.
After more than a decade as a small publisher of mostly (though not exclusively) reprinted books dealing with Catholic Social Doctrine, IHS Press is pleased to announce an initiative that starts today, the Feast of Christ the King, to expand beyond the publishing field, while reaffirming its commitment to its principal mission to promote and promulgate CSD. This broader-reaching effort, one that many of you have been urging us to undertake for over 10 years, will be accomplished under the banner of the new “IHS Press Group.”
And since during this past decade we have been functioning with a barely adequate Internet presence, we have contracted with a professional firm to update our Website and come, as they say, kicking and screaming into the 21st century. But rather than re-invent the wheel at some point down the line, the time is now – with this “facelift” in progress – to launch the exciting new pillars of the IHS Press Group, as outlined below.
But we desperately need your help to do it.
That’s right, we can’t do it alone. So you might as well know right up front that this is an appeal for money. For whatever you can give – a tax-deductible $25, $50, even $100. More if you can. (See below for details of the incentives for your various levels of support.)
Here are the things that your generous tax-deductible contribution will help to achieve under the umbrella of the new IHS Press Group.
a) Expanded Publishing Program. As we attempt to broaden the means by which we, and you, can inspire a return to the sanity, the morality, and the wisdom of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, IHS Press will not leave its roots – merely extend them. In addition to the activities listed below, we will add to our “IHS,” “Light in the Darkness” and “Gates of Vienna” imprints as we expand our list of titles into still more specialized areas of Catholic Social Doctrine – with new lines such as “Forgotten Voices” for more obscure but essential historical works, and “Schoolmen’s Bookshelf” for works on traditional CSD appropriate for the high-school and university settings.
b) The Catholic Land Movement. The “Back to the Land” movement has been gathering impetus for some time now. IHS Press has long been in the forefront of the Catholic variant of this movement with numerous titles devoted to the topic. As the movement grows, IHS will continue its leadership role by establishing a network for collaboration between those who already possess rural expertise and those looking to put into practice the truths articulated by the leading lights of Catholic thought who maintain that social stability and genuine culture can only be achieved by rooting families on the land.
c) Rex. A Journal of Political and Social Catholicism. From time to time there are topics or news events of unique interest to Catholics that do not necessarily lend themselves to coverage or discussion via bound-book format. It is our intent to bring you current, up-to-date looks at the contemporary world through a uniquely Catholic social and political lens in a periodical format. The goal is to demonstrate and persuade, without compromise or shameful nods to political correctness, that the lessons of Catholic Social Doctrine are as meaningful today and as useful in addressing societal ills as they were a hundred years ago. Rex promises to be an exciting and unvarnished new publication that is at once “historical, theoretical, practical, political, and controversial.”
d) Institute for Social Catholic Doctrine and Policy Research. The sheer number of historical texts and manuscript collections of interest to scholars of traditional teaching on politics, society, and economics by itself warrants the establishment of this planned research library and archival repository – to which IHS Press plans to contribute its already assembled several-thousand-volume library and dozens of linear feet worth of archival materials. In addition, the Institute will aim to produce, with the collaboration of the right “experts,” frequent position papers and pamphlets in order to engage “anyone with ears to hear” regarding the relevance of Catholic political and economic truth to contemporary society. The country’s – maybe the world’s – leading thinkers and scholars in the Catholic social thought tradition need a scholarly home, and the Institute will provide one.
e) Rebuilding Christendom™ Conference Series. With this line of conferences and other events, the IHS Press Group will initiate and/or sponsor periodic meetings of varying scale to bring together the finest commentators on a wide range of topics of immediate relevance to the problems faced by individuals and societies today. Plans are already underway for the first three-day conference in this exciting series. It’s scheduled for August 24–26, 2012, in Washington, D.C., to coincide with the weekend of the Feast of King St. Louis IX. Mark your calendar now.
More detailed information about the IHS Press Group’s planned evolution is available via our website, on the donate page, or via a downloadable fact sheet.
But none of this will happen without your help. It’s going to take your generous tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 – or more if you can spare it. Fortunately there are several support levels for you to choose from, each with its own “reward.”
Basic “Donor Level” ($50 to $100): For $50 you receive a free copy of our latest book, William Cobbett, by G.K. Chesterton, complete with new scholarly introductions and annotations. Or for $100, you get your free choice of any three books on our list. Download an updated list of available titles from our website.
Benefactor Level ($500 to $1000): Designed to save you money with an additional 15% off our already discounted publisher-direct prices, the “Benefactor” status level is of particular value to you during our fund-raising appeal. A $500 donation now will bring you “Benefactor” status on every IHS Press book you buy for two years. And for a $1,000 contribution, you maintain “Benefactor” status, with its deep savings, for the rest of your life! Meanwhile, for those of you who have donated generously in the past, rest assured your already existing Benefactor or Patron status will not be affected by the current promotion.
Platinum Level ($2000): And for those who can afford it and are determined to help us in this struggle, a donation of $2,000 or more will make you an IHS Press “Platinum Patron,” entitling you to receive automatically a free copy of each new IHS Press title for as long as you live! Make a note in your will and your heirs can enjoy this transferable benefit too!
And now, as you consider your donation, let us leave you with one thought. Like us, perhaps you are amazed during this season of furious political activity at the seeming ease with which politicians are able to raise money – sometimes millions of dollars in a matter of days. And often for causes that as Catholics we would reject out of hand.
Yet, when it comes to funding for truly noble causes, those rivers of cash seem to slow to a trickle. But we candidly believe that even these humble first steps we are making here to restore Catholic Social Doctrine to its place of prominence as the guiding light – family by family, neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town, and eventually statesman by statesman – are far more worthy of support than the “business-as-usual” political, industrial, financial wolves who now operate in our country and our world without even the pretence of sheep’s clothing.
Of course we are not going to change all hearts and minds; even Our Lord didn’t do that. But with your help we can provide evidence to those who listen – and there are many, and will be many more – that the real alternative, the only alternative, to the hopelessly fractured Left vs. Right political culture and socio-economic system under which we now live lies in the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
In closing we ask you to please consider how your tax-deductible support can help us – an help you – enable Catholic Social Doctrine to recapture its place of outstanding and exalted dignity among the failed schemes for social reform and revolution, and how you can further help us to implement now the wisdom of the great Catholic economists, historians, and social critics of less than 100 years ago, though now they are often unknown or forgotten.
Won’t you make your tax deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more right now while you’re thinking about it? Just click on any of the buttons in this letter, or send money via any of the charitable-donation firms with which IHS Press is registered (PayPal,, and ChipIn). Otherwise, send your check to:
IHS Press Group Fund
c/o IHS Press
222 W. 21st St., Suite F-122
Norfolk, Va. 23517 USA
We’ll do the heavy lifting. Will you help us carry the load? This may be our last chance.
Yours in loyalty to Our Lady of Victory and Christ the King,
The Directors, IHS Press
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Social Teaching
Monday, October 24, 2011
John Salza on Canonical Status of SSPX
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Social Teaching,
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
What happened in Freetopia? A video fable about what went wrong with America
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Practical Movements
Divided States of America
Over the past number of years, several secessionist movements from Texas, Hawaii, Alaska, and Vermont amongst others have voiced their desire to secede from The union to establish their own independent nations. This audio documentary speaks to articipants from the Alaskan Independence Party, The Middlebury Institute, Second Vermont Republic, and The Texas Nationalist Movement on the topic of secession.
Over the past number of years, several secessionist movements from Texas, Hawaii, Alaska, and Vermont amongst others have voiced their desire to secede from The union to establish their own independent nations. This audio documentary speaks to articipants from the Alaskan Independence Party, The Middlebury Institute, Second Vermont Republic, and The Texas Nationalist Movement on the topic of secession.
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Jackie Envancho
Lords Prayer
Pie Jesus
Pie Jesus
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Hymns,
Catholic Prayers
Why Are We Traditional Catholics?,20_min.mp3
Click HERE to read the text of this open letter
Click HERE to read the text of this open letter
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Social Teaching
John Vennari on Miracles of Fatima
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Catholic Social Teaching
EWTN and Chesterton
Program Name:
An Introduction to G.K. Chesterton
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
An overview of Chesterton, the prolific Catholic writer who "said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"Orthodoxy" is perhaps Chesterton's greatest work, yet he stumbled across orthodox belief almost by accident.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton's book "Heretics" takes on modernism, and the skeptic's refusal to use his brain to come to conclusions.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
What's Wrong With the World
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton addressed the main problems of his day, which are the main problems of our day. His solution is to return to the Christian ideal.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Catholic Church and Conversion
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"It's one thing to conclude that Catholicism is good and another to conclude that it is right. It is one thing to conclude that it is right, and another to conclude that it is always right."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Thing: Why I am a Catholic
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton contrasts "the Thing" (the Catholic Church) to all other things-worldly philosophies, business, nationalism, Protestantism, agnosticism, etc.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Well and the Shallows
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
The Catholic Church is the well-everything else is the shallows.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
St. Francis of Assisi
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton tells about the man who "cared chiefly for the best kind of giving which is called thanksgiving."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
St. Thomas Aquinas
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"To this question, 'Is there anything?' St. Thomas begins by answering 'Yes'; if he began by answering 'No', it would not be the beginning, but the end."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Everlasting Man
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton writes about Christ and the things people say about him.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Outline of Sanity
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton's book ,"The Outline of Sanity", exposes the problems with modern economic systems.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Superstition of Divorce
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"The obvious effect of frivolous divorce will be frivolous marriage. If people can be separated for no reason they will feel it all the easier to be united for no reason."
Date Produced:
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Eugenics and other Evils
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton explores the evils of racism, euthanasia, and abortion under the euphemism of "Eugenics".
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Fr. Brown
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
This episode gives an overview of Chesterton's popular "Fr. Brown" detective stories, including vignettes featuring Fr. James R. Kolp as Fr. Brown.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Chesterton for Today
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist explains the relevance of Chesterton's writings to today's world. As Chesterton said, "A society is in decay when common sense has become uncommon."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Another Introduction to Chesterton
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
G. K. Chesterton's thoughts on the wonder of the Universe
Program Name:
The Riddles of God
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
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The Signature of Man
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Uneducating the Educated
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Fancies and Fads
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The "D" Word
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Puritans and Pagans
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Art of Defending the Faith Part 1
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Art of Defending the Faith Part 2
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Talking in Rhyme
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Recovering the Lost Art of Common Sense
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
A Chesterton Reading Plan
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
An Introduction to G.K. Chesterton
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
An overview of Chesterton, the prolific Catholic writer who "said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else."
Date Produced:
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Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"Orthodoxy" is perhaps Chesterton's greatest work, yet he stumbled across orthodox belief almost by accident.
Date Produced:
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Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton's book "Heretics" takes on modernism, and the skeptic's refusal to use his brain to come to conclusions.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
What's Wrong With the World
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton addressed the main problems of his day, which are the main problems of our day. His solution is to return to the Christian ideal.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Catholic Church and Conversion
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"It's one thing to conclude that Catholicism is good and another to conclude that it is right. It is one thing to conclude that it is right, and another to conclude that it is always right."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Thing: Why I am a Catholic
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton contrasts "the Thing" (the Catholic Church) to all other things-worldly philosophies, business, nationalism, Protestantism, agnosticism, etc.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Well and the Shallows
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
The Catholic Church is the well-everything else is the shallows.
Date Produced:
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St. Francis of Assisi
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton tells about the man who "cared chiefly for the best kind of giving which is called thanksgiving."
Date Produced:
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St. Thomas Aquinas
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"To this question, 'Is there anything?' St. Thomas begins by answering 'Yes'; if he began by answering 'No', it would not be the beginning, but the end."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Everlasting Man
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton writes about Christ and the things people say about him.
Date Produced:
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The Outline of Sanity
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Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton's book ,"The Outline of Sanity", exposes the problems with modern economic systems.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Superstition of Divorce
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
"The obvious effect of frivolous divorce will be frivolous marriage. If people can be separated for no reason they will feel it all the easier to be united for no reason."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Eugenics and other Evils
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Chesterton explores the evils of racism, euthanasia, and abortion under the euphemism of "Eugenics".
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Fr. Brown
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
This episode gives an overview of Chesterton's popular "Fr. Brown" detective stories, including vignettes featuring Fr. James R. Kolp as Fr. Brown.
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Chesterton for Today
Listen Now
Series Name:
G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist explains the relevance of Chesterton's writings to today's world. As Chesterton said, "A society is in decay when common sense has become uncommon."
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Another Introduction to Chesterton
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
G. K. Chesterton's thoughts on the wonder of the Universe
Program Name:
The Riddles of God
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Signature of Man
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Uneducating the Educated
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Fancies and Fads
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The "D" Word
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Puritans and Pagans
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Art of Defending the Faith Part 1
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Art of Defending the Faith Part 2
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Talking in Rhyme
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Recovering the Lost Art of Common Sense
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Program Name:
A Chesterton Reading Plan
Listen Now
Series Name:
G.K. Chesterton: Apostle of Common Sense
Dale Ahlquist and Chuck Chalberg
Date Produced:
Labels:Catholic,catholic social teaching
Great Moments in Church History
Program Name:
From Christ to Constantine
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Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Beginning with the Descent of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentacost, Harry Crocker explains the early history of the Church. The dramatic growth of the Church is dealt with in this episdoe, from a persecuted underground Church under the 1st and 2nd Century Roman Emporors, to the ultimate acceptance of the Catholic Faith by Emporor Constantine.
Program Name:
The Christian Empire and the Barbarian Invasion
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Now that the Church has been accepted by the Roman Empire, the problem of the Barbarian Invasion is dealt with. The influence of the Barbarians on the Christians, and of the Christians on the Barbarians is among the many subjects discussed.
Program Name:
Beginning of the Middle Ages
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
In a time that many consider to be “dark”, the Catholic Church preserved the treasures of humanity. Monestaries were centers of learning, and monks copied the great works of art and science so that we have access to them, even today. Also, some of the great Gothic Churches were built during this perioud of Church History.
Program Name:
The Crusades
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The real causes of the Crusades are addressed in this episode. Tales of the quests to recapture the Holy Land for Christendom are exciting tales of chivalry—a virtue very much lacking in today’s culture.
Program Name:
The Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Advances in science and art marked the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance brought new interest in the philosophies of the ancient Greeks. Unfortunately, some men, impressed with their own abilities, began to feel that God was not necessary.
Program Name:
The Protestant Revolt
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Commonly called the Protestant Reformation, Harry Crocker explains how it was really a Deformation of the true Faith. Reformers who were outraged by real abuses, took it upon themselves to reject the Catholic Faith as it had been handed down from the Apostles. Martin Luther was the key player in the Protestant Revolt.
Program Name:
Henry VIII's Revolt and the Counter-Reformation
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The Protestant Revot spreads to England when Henry VIII decides to break from the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, on the continent, the Catholic Bishops meet in Trent for an Ecumenical Council. Among the historic figues discussed are St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher.
Program Name:
The Church Versus the Total State and Revolution
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
France, often called the Eldest Daughter of the Church, becomes one of the Church’s chief enemies. The French Revolution, seen by mainstreem historians as a mile marker in human freedom, brought with it a rejection of the Divine and Catholic Faith. Where did the revolutionaries go wrong?
Program Name:
The Church in the United States
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The first Catholic Diocese in the New World was in St. Augustine, Florida. Soon afterward, the colony of Maryland was founded specifically as a refuge for Catholics. Some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were prominent Catholic Gentleman, though Catholics have not always been welcome by all parties in the U.S.
Program Name:
The 19th Century Catholic Revival
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
With the relaxation of the laws against Catholics in England, there came a Catholic cultural revival. Harry Crocker and Fr. McCloskey discuss this revival, and its influence on various historic figues, such as John Henry Cardinal Newman.
Program Name:
The Century of Martyrs
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Millions of people being murdered for being Catholic—It sounds like 1st Century Rome, but in fact, the 20th Century was the bloodiest century for the Church. Catholics were killed and persecuted for their faith by the Nazis, Russian and Chinese Communists and in Sudan.
Program Name:
From Christ to Constantine
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Beginning with the Descent of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentacost, Harry Crocker explains the early history of the Church. The dramatic growth of the Church is dealt with in this episdoe, from a persecuted underground Church under the 1st and 2nd Century Roman Emporors, to the ultimate acceptance of the Catholic Faith by Emporor Constantine.
Program Name:
The Christian Empire and the Barbarian Invasion
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Now that the Church has been accepted by the Roman Empire, the problem of the Barbarian Invasion is dealt with. The influence of the Barbarians on the Christians, and of the Christians on the Barbarians is among the many subjects discussed.
Program Name:
Beginning of the Middle Ages
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
In a time that many consider to be “dark”, the Catholic Church preserved the treasures of humanity. Monestaries were centers of learning, and monks copied the great works of art and science so that we have access to them, even today. Also, some of the great Gothic Churches were built during this perioud of Church History.
Program Name:
The Crusades
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The real causes of the Crusades are addressed in this episode. Tales of the quests to recapture the Holy Land for Christendom are exciting tales of chivalry—a virtue very much lacking in today’s culture.
Program Name:
The Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Advances in science and art marked the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance brought new interest in the philosophies of the ancient Greeks. Unfortunately, some men, impressed with their own abilities, began to feel that God was not necessary.
Program Name:
The Protestant Revolt
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Commonly called the Protestant Reformation, Harry Crocker explains how it was really a Deformation of the true Faith. Reformers who were outraged by real abuses, took it upon themselves to reject the Catholic Faith as it had been handed down from the Apostles. Martin Luther was the key player in the Protestant Revolt.
Program Name:
Henry VIII's Revolt and the Counter-Reformation
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The Protestant Revot spreads to England when Henry VIII decides to break from the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, on the continent, the Catholic Bishops meet in Trent for an Ecumenical Council. Among the historic figues discussed are St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher.
Program Name:
The Church Versus the Total State and Revolution
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
France, often called the Eldest Daughter of the Church, becomes one of the Church’s chief enemies. The French Revolution, seen by mainstreem historians as a mile marker in human freedom, brought with it a rejection of the Divine and Catholic Faith. Where did the revolutionaries go wrong?
Program Name:
The Church in the United States
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
The first Catholic Diocese in the New World was in St. Augustine, Florida. Soon afterward, the colony of Maryland was founded specifically as a refuge for Catholics. Some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were prominent Catholic Gentleman, though Catholics have not always been welcome by all parties in the U.S.
Program Name:
The 19th Century Catholic Revival
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
With the relaxation of the laws against Catholics in England, there came a Catholic cultural revival. Harry Crocker and Fr. McCloskey discuss this revival, and its influence on various historic figues, such as John Henry Cardinal Newman.
Program Name:
The Century of Martyrs
Listen Now
Series Name:
Great Moments in Church History
Fr. C. John McCloskey w/ Harry Crocker
Date Produced:
Millions of people being murdered for being Catholic—It sounds like 1st Century Rome, but in fact, the 20th Century was the bloodiest century for the Church. Catholics were killed and persecuted for their faith by the Nazis, Russian and Chinese Communists and in Sudan.
Church History w/the Bogles
Program Name:
St. Thomas More
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Catholic Pub Crawl
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Dales & St. James of Compostela
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews & Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Edmund Campion
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Anne, St. Albans, The Hampshire Pilgrim Route
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle & Tim Matthews
Date Produced:
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St. John Fisher; Westminster Abbey
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Etheldreda
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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Colchester; St. Albans
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle & Margaret Harris
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Illustrious Converts
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle with Madeleine Beard
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle with Fr. Benedict Ruscillo
Date Produced:
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Blessed Dominic Barberi
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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Chislehurst; Spanish Place
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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Durham; Wardour Castle
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews
Date Produced:
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Exeter and Crediton; St. Margaret Clitherow
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews & Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Roman Imperium and Christendom: Constantine, Justinian and Charlemagne
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
History of the spread of Christianity and Catholicism through the Roman Empire and it’s subsequent fall to the Franks – Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III.
Program Name:
The Roman Pontiff & Emperor: Keystones to the Commonwealth of Christ
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
In Pagan Rome the Emperor was also the head of the pagan church and had the title “Pontifax.” The Church changed the word from Pontifax to Pontiff. The Christian Holy Roman Emperor and the Pontiff were a support for one another – the Pope would approve and crown the Emperor and support the idea of the “Divine Right of Kings, while the Emperor would support and protect the Church.”
Program Name:
The Knights Templar and Hospitaller
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
Order of Knights created to serve the Church during the Crusades to protect pilgrims and Catholic Christian Churches in the Holy Land from Muslim invaders.
Program Name:
The Inquisition: Medieval, Spanish and Roman: What’s the Real Story?
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
The Roman inquisition was quite different from the Spanish and in fact was quite mild in comparison. The purpose was to root out heresy and protect the doctrines and deposit of Faith of the Church. In Spain, the State was experiencing cases where false converts, particularly from Islam, were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the Monarchy.
Program Name:
Spain, England & America: The Black Legend, True or False?
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
The Tears of the Indians, a book published in England, claimed that the Spanish explorers and settlers of the New World were exploiting and forcing the American natives to convert to Catholicism. This was propaganda aimed at denouncing the Catholic Church and the Spanish Monarchy as well.
Program Name:
Galileo: The Church and Science
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
Galileo was asked to refrain from speaking about his agreement with the Copernican view of the Universe. The Church and the Pope never said that Copernicus theory was wrong, rather the Church wanted to avoid confusion for those who would not understand the change from a Ptolemaic view to a Copernican view of the universe. Almost all of the scientific discoveries of the age were made possible through the Universities established by the Church.
Program Name:
The Protestant Reformation and How The People of England Opposed it
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The English Civil War: What Really Happened?
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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The Enlightenment and the Suppression of the Jesuits
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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The French Revolution and the Destruction of Christendom
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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The Counter-revolution in France & Austria
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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1848 to WWI: The Rise of Secularism, Nationalism & Totalitarianism
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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The Church in the 20th Century
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Thomas More
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Catholic Pub Crawl
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Dales & St. James of Compostela
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews & Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
St. Edmund Campion
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Anne, St. Albans, The Hampshire Pilgrim Route
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle & Tim Matthews
Date Produced:
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St. John Fisher; Westminster Abbey
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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St. Etheldreda
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Colchester; St. Albans
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle & Margaret Harris
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Illustrious Converts
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle with Madeleine Beard
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle with Fr. Benedict Ruscillo
Date Produced:
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Blessed Dominic Barberi
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
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Chislehurst; Spanish Place
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Durham; Wardour Castle
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews
Date Produced:
Program Name:
Exeter and Crediton; St. Margaret Clitherow
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholic Heritage
Tim Matthews & Joanna Bogle
Date Produced:
Program Name:
The Roman Imperium and Christendom: Constantine, Justinian and Charlemagne
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
History of the spread of Christianity and Catholicism through the Roman Empire and it’s subsequent fall to the Franks – Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III.
Program Name:
The Roman Pontiff & Emperor: Keystones to the Commonwealth of Christ
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
In Pagan Rome the Emperor was also the head of the pagan church and had the title “Pontifax.” The Church changed the word from Pontifax to Pontiff. The Christian Holy Roman Emperor and the Pontiff were a support for one another – the Pope would approve and crown the Emperor and support the idea of the “Divine Right of Kings, while the Emperor would support and protect the Church.”
Program Name:
The Knights Templar and Hospitaller
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
Order of Knights created to serve the Church during the Crusades to protect pilgrims and Catholic Christian Churches in the Holy Land from Muslim invaders.
Program Name:
The Inquisition: Medieval, Spanish and Roman: What’s the Real Story?
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
The Roman inquisition was quite different from the Spanish and in fact was quite mild in comparison. The purpose was to root out heresy and protect the doctrines and deposit of Faith of the Church. In Spain, the State was experiencing cases where false converts, particularly from Islam, were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the Monarchy.
Program Name:
Spain, England & America: The Black Legend, True or False?
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
The Tears of the Indians, a book published in England, claimed that the Spanish explorers and settlers of the New World were exploiting and forcing the American natives to convert to Catholicism. This was propaganda aimed at denouncing the Catholic Church and the Spanish Monarchy as well.
Program Name:
Galileo: The Church and Science
Listen Now
Series Name:
Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
Date Produced:
Galileo was asked to refrain from speaking about his agreement with the Copernican view of the Universe. The Church and the Pope never said that Copernicus theory was wrong, rather the Church wanted to avoid confusion for those who would not understand the change from a Ptolemaic view to a Copernican view of the universe. Almost all of the scientific discoveries of the age were made possible through the Universities established by the Church.
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The Protestant Reformation and How The People of England Opposed it
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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The English Civil War: What Really Happened?
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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The Enlightenment and the Suppression of the Jesuits
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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The French Revolution and the Destruction of Christendom
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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The Counter-revolution in France & Austria
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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1848 to WWI: The Rise of Secularism, Nationalism & Totalitarianism
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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The Church in the 20th Century
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Catholicism: The Heart of History
Joanna & James Bogle
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