Friday, March 18, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Decoding Dan Brown, Mass-Market Prophet of the New Age Christ - Part II."


An interview* with
Gerry Matatcis
Founder and PresidentBiblical Foundations International
"Decoding Dan Brown, Mass-Market Prophet of the New Age Christ - Part II."
March 15th through March 31st
Listen to the inverview using the player below, or download it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weber Defends Bishop WIlliams

(DP does not take a stance on Gas Chambers, but notes that at least 2-3x as many non-Jews died as Jews and all should be recognized-no one "owns" the Holocaust)

Fr. Corapi-Mystery of the Cross

Fr. Corapi on Lent

Chanticleer Reproaches and Trisagion Mysteria: Gregorian Chants

F-451 in Spanish





Fahrenheit 451 es una película de ciencia ficción del Reino Unido, dirigida por François Truffaut, estrenada en 1966 y basada en la novela homónima Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury (1953). Sinopsis Montang es un bombero cuya paradójica misión es la de quemar libros. La gente ha de vivir feliz a cualquier precio, y la ignorancia es lo mejor para ser feliz. Esta película pronostica con pesimismo apocalíptico, distopía, lo que los elevados índices de audiencia televisivos vienen indicando de un tiempo para acá: como el analfabetismo siga en aumento, los libros tienen los días contados. La novela (1953) Considerada la obra maestra de Ray Bradbury, retrata una sociedad futurista en la que el cuerpo de bomberos quema viviendas y bibliotecas para destruir los libros y evitar que la gente tenga un pensamiento independiente. "Fahrenheit 451" (equivalente a 233°C) recibió ese título porque la novela menciona que a esa temperatura se quema el papel.

Discussion with Ray Bradbury

Discussion with Ray Bradbury11:28 - 5 years ago
A discussion with Ray Bradbury concerning the novel Fahrenheit 451.

Intro to Byzantine Catholicism

Sounds from F-451

FAHRENHEIT 451 The Sounds


Sound files were recorded at 11,025 Hz.

All WAV files are compressed using WAV Layer-3 for faster download time. Modern browsers and Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 operating systems read compressed WAV files.

If your media player isn't able to read the files, please download an update available at the software manufacturer's web site.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 11 kb Montag: We burn them to ashes and then burn the ashes. That's our official motto.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 17 kb The Captain: You see, it's... it's no good, Montag. We've all got to be alike. The only way to be happy is for everyone to be made equal.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 16 kb Boy: Ooh, mommy look. Firemen. Mommy, there's going to be a fire.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 24 kb The Captain: Listen to me, Montag. Once to each fireman, at least once in his career, he just itches to know what these books are all about. He just aches to know. Isn't that so?

Click here to listen
WAV File – 6 kb Book Person: I'm The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 4 kb The Captain: The books have nothing to say.

Click here to listen
WAV File – 25 kb Montag: Do you remember what you asked me the other day; if I ever read the books I burn? Remember?
Clarisse: Um hmm.
Montag: Last night I read one.

Veni Creator Spiritus

Veni Creator Spiritus

(Embeding blocked)

"Tantum ergo" modu gregoriano

O Solutaris Hostia

Statue of Liberty Secret Symbols - Featuring Mark Dice

Woodmaster Survival Series

Systems-Based Survival


Securing Meat Sources (The Scouts Travel Kit)

Quick Lesson Spot and Stalk, Fire By Knife

Basic Camp Knots

Sling Bow Final Modification How To

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Earth to Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson
"The time has come when we must lay aside minor points of doctrinal differences and focus on the centralization of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

DP-we can centralize! and would welcome you to renounce your heresy and enter into the only Church Christ founded, the Catholic Church! Marriage, Divorce, Birth Control, the Eucharist-Real Body/Blood, Sacrements-are NOT “minor points”, they are major ones! Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent: Fasting and Abstinence in the Tradition of the Church



2010 Lenten Mission: Repent and Be Holy
Now is the Time to Repent
Overcoming Obstacles to Holiness
2009 Lenten Mission: The Passion of the Church
The Passion of the Church: Introduction
The Passion of the Church: Part 1
The Passion of the Church: Part 2
The Passion of the Church: Part 3
The Passion of the Church: Part 4

2008 Lenten Mission: Signs of the Times
Storms on the Horizon: Recognizing the Signs of the Times
Pagan-proofing, Sanctifying the Home
Who Knows How to Love?
We Are Not Saints Because We Do Not Want To Be

2007 Lenten Mission: The Four Last Things
Prelude to the mission
On Death
On Judgement
On Hell
On Heaven -->

2 Recent Sermons,quinquagesima_sun,fr_j_pfeiffer_final,35_min.mp3

Father Joseph Pfeiffer (Mar 6, 2011)
Quinquagesima Sunday (7AM Mass)
(Fr. Pfeiffer correlates the biblical lives
of Abraham, Rebecca, Our Lord and
His Mother Mary to our journey while on earth. That journey is one on the long and narrow road of the cross. He then concludes with suggestions on how we should do
penance during Lent) 35 min,sexagesima_sun,fr_pfeiffer_final,34_min.mp3

Father Joseph Pfeiffer (Feb 27, 2011)
Sexagesima Sunday (7AM Mass)
(Fr. Pfeiffer, visiting priest from the SSPX India Mission, describes how we require the Traditional Catholic Church to obtain our salvation. He emphasized that there are battles to be won from inside as well as outside the Church.) 34 min

ISOC Interview with Jim Condit on "Current Events and History"

An interview* with
Jim Condit, Jr.
Political Catholic Activist
"Current Events and History in the Light of Catholic Social Teachings" March 2011